Last year, my best friend Jennie was asked to be a presenter at the ESPY awards here in Los Angeles. She asked me to tag along for all the fun. In addition to receiving fabulous gift bags, free clothes, and staying in one of LA’s premiere hotels, I was able to walk down the red carpet with her and the stars. Every few steps Jennie was stopped by a reporter or fashion magazine for an interview, so I happily waited in the shadows until she was done. During this time I was able to literally rub shoulders with Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, Peyton Manning, and other celebrities.
Before I get hate mail from a thousand girls, please know that I’m not an avid television watcher or girly girl. I’ve never been into TV drama like Sex in the City and Desperate Housewives, so when people encouraged me to watch Grey’s Anatomy, I did. I tried to like it, but it just did nothing for me. Because of this I’m not familiar with its plot, drama, or stars.
A couple days ago, I was emailed a picture and a few minutes later I received a myriad of phone calls from friends. They were squealing like a bunch of pre-pubescent girls at a Backstreet Boys concert. Their sounds closely resembled the livestock exhibit at the Orange County Fair.
Did you see it?
See what?
The picture of you and McDreamy?!?
Ohmygosh, please tell me you know who McDreamy is!!?
A new burger from McDonalds?
They just about killed me. When I opened the email, I was vaguely familiar with the gentleman in the foreground—did I run into him at the grocery store last week?—so when they told me he’s the star of watch Grey’s Anatomy, it all made sense.

So I guess you can say I was almost famous. Almost. I guess I can tell my future children that Patrick Dempsey and I were photographed together. Sure, he didn’t know of my existence, but, really, does it matter? ;)