Friday, August 11, 2006

Sweeeeet Tea

My alarm yelled at me this morning. It was as if she was angry for disturbing her before the sun peeked over the horizon. Fifteen minutes past four this morning, I rolled out of bed and into the shower. I don’t remember too much because I’m sure my eyes were closed the entire time.

JD and I walked into our apartment just past midnight the night before—after having dined with my best friends at a jazz restaurant where my best friend Melanie performed—and I stared at my empty suitcase, wishing the pile of clothes sitting around it would get up, fold itself into a neat square and sit politely in zippered compartments. No such luck. At two this morning, I blinked what felt like a pound of sand from my eyes, and turned off the light.

Then my alarm yelled at me.

In a frenzy, JD and I made a mad dash to LAX for my 7:40 flight to Atlanta. I got teary eyed as he waved good bye from the third story balcony. The words, Have Fun, floated down toward me, barely audible above the crowds. I blew a kiss and ran to Gate 58.

When I arrived in Atlanta, I walked out of the airport and was smothered by a 92-degree pillow made of humidity and passing car fumes. When Liana pulled curbside, I sat in the passenger seat and let the A/C engulf my clammy face.

My Atlanta experience thus far has been phenomenal. Liana and I ate at the Hand-n-Hand, an Irish pub in Midtown. Instead of seeing a menu comprised of all things Irish, I saw hummus, spring rolls, and a wide array of fresh salads. I knew right then that the South and I were going to be best friends. Like let’s-watch-girly-movies best friends. When I ordered iced tea, the waitress asked if I wanted regular or sweet tea. Dear Lord, I’ve died and gone to Heaven.

When I arrived at Liana’s beautiful home, there was a Tiffany colored box on her dresser. Jasmine, Liana said softly as she sat in her canary colored room, that’s for you. Puzzled, I gingerly opened the top and found what could’ve been the best gift ever: A Canon 50 mm lens. I almost cried. No, I’m not going to lie. I cried. It was the nicest thing anyone could have done for me! I’ve been kinda in a funk lately, so seeing the miniature lens glass reflect my pathetically sheepish smile, I was elated.

I can’t wait because tomorrow we’re shooting an Indian wedding, complete with an American wedding dress, and a traditional sari! I’ll hopefully post some pictures soon.

I think we’re off to grab a late night snack…and if I’m lucky, I’ll have another glass of sweet tea to celebrate!


Blogger Sara France Photography said...

I really could read your stories all day long! I love it everytime you write! Have a great time! Liana is such a blast. You can not, not love that girl!

8:55 PM  
Blogger Holritz Photography said...

I'm upset that you didn't tell us you were coming down! We're only about 90 minutes away!!! :)

- Nathan

2:33 PM  
Blogger Jessica C. Moritz said...

Have sooo much fun with your new lens! It's one of my favorites. I just used it for my last session and I also can't wait to see the photos you'd be taking with it!
Please keep on writing too! It's a joy to read (and look at) your blog.

3:06 PM  

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