Friday, September 08, 2006

PartnerCon, in full detail

Tuesday Night:
Dozens of photographers mingled around the moodily lit lounge of the hotel where the Pictage Partner Conference was held and sipped on brightly colored drinks. Pink with a twist. Green with a maraschino cherry. Amber with a foamy layer. It seemed as if with every new arrival, a new round of hugs was in order and the customary It’s-been-too-long dialog exchanged.

Sometimes I think I’m a bad mingler. I really don’t know how to enter a conversation without causing a blip in the interaction dynamic. Sort of like that ‘How bout them Dodgers?’ feeling. And then there are the times when I don’t know how to politely walk away after the conversation has run it’s course. I do one of two embarrassing things: (1) I abruptly excuse myself at pause in the conversation; or (2) I start another conversation with a passerby who might have made eye contact. Like I said, I’m a bad mingler.

But the good thing about getting together with a solid group of friends is that I don’t have to worry about my mingling etiquette. Because mingling with friends isn’t mingling per say, it’s more like floating. Not like a graceful butterfly sort of float, but, rather, like a rubber duck making its way through a warm bath. I have to admit I liked bobbling from one friend to another…with a new round of hugs and the customary It’s-been-too-long dialog exchanged.

I haven’t eaten a croissant since I was about 14 years old. I suppose I haven’t been able to rationalize licking the buttery flakes off the identification grooves of my fingers and fighting the urge to raid the local MetaboLife cart immediately afterward. But when I saw the array of soft croissants at the continental breakfast, I gave into my urge. Eleven years of buttery flakenessless down the drain. I suppose you can add Weakling to Poor Mingler on my list of bad attributes.

The day was packed tightly with phenomenal speakers and I sat in my chair like a Brawny paper towel, ready to soak up everything. The best part of going to photographic conferences is that I learn SO much, and the worst part of these conferences is that I learn SO much. It’s like Mike, DJ, Pepper, Liana and Jessica, Dane, and the Holritz’s shined a flood light on my inadequacies and now I’m responsible to raise the standard of my business. The best, and the worst. I can’t even begin to describe how awesome the seminars were, but they were greatly enhanced because the speakers were also my friends. I’m hoping knowledge and photographic talent is transferred by osmosis because there’s the possibility I’ll be a mix of Einstein and Ansel Adams.

At the end of the day, Pictage hosted a mixer. Pink with a twist. Green with a maraschino cherry. Amber with a foamy layer. As Amy and I chatted, I see a two men approach us from my periphery. As I turned my head, I realized Denis Reggie and Joe Buissink were standing next to us. I’m sure I blinked a few times because I was certain they were waiting to speak to someone BEHIND me, but, no. They weren’t.

Hi, I’m Denis, and this is my friend, Joe.
**blink, blink**
What I Felt Like Saying: Uh, yeah, you’re pretty much the forefathers of wedding photojournalism and if photographers had trading cards like baseball players do, I’d trade a whole pack AND the bubblegum stick for one of yours.
What I Said: Hi, my name is Jasmine.
**blink, blink**

The conversation was short—probably because I don’t know how to mingle—but they were very gracious and kind.

Later that evening, I joined a group of people for dinner and [b]ecker drove down to join in the festivities. Not many people can wear a shirt that reads “I [heart] Hot Mamas”, drink Diet Coke by the pitcher, and be the life of the party, but he has a gift.

For a detailed description of what I ate for breakfast, please re-read Wednesday’s entry. What can I say, I’m weak.

I have a random memory. I don’t remember things I should, but often can recite the most random facts at the drop of a dime. There were a lot of great seminars on Thursday, but the thing I walked away remembering was this word: Luddite. Basically a Luddite is someone who doesn’t embrace technological advancement, named in honor of Mr. Ludd who led a boycott of technology during the 18th century. Yes, another random fact that I thoroughly enjoyed and now will never forget. Thank you, Jeff Jochum.

I was encouraged and really motivated throughout the past few days and I can’t wait to start implementing some of the things I learned. Here are a few pictures of some really amazing people…

DJ...showing off the most amazing picture...ever.

Jess and me

Liana and me

Crystal and me

Shyla and Justin


Blogger || davidjay || said...

Love you and JD!!! Can't wait to see you guys!!!


9:00 PM  
Blogger Liana said...

Awww...miss you already hon!! Hilarious recap:) Can't wait to be back in Cali again soon!!

10:06 AM  
Blogger amynave said...

Hey Girly:)

I'll never forget that moment that we shared together:) LOL.... I was like uhhhhhhhh I'm _________ (blank), totally forgot my name:) LOL..... J/K...

Can't wait to see you soon!!!!! Love ya tons......

11:52 AM  
Blogger Jasmine said...

I'm in Santa Barbara right now, but reading all these comments made my heart melt! I love you all!!! :)

12:26 PM  
Blogger Holritz Photography said...

So great to see you last week! I want to hear about your work being published SOON!!!!


7:35 AM  
Blogger Michael Juiliano said...

Hi, I’m Denis, and this is my friend, Joe.
**blink, blink**
What I Felt Like Saying: Uh, yeah, you’re pretty much the forefathers of wedding photojournalism and if photographers had trading cards like baseball players do, I’d trade a whole pack AND the bubblegum stick for one of yours.
What I Said: Hi, my name is Jasmine.
**blink, blink**

I LOVE THIS! great writing. I'm noticing a pattern.

7:13 PM  

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